Wednesday, October 13, 2010

more pics

the block party went off great! here are a few more pics from other people.
DJ's "Uncle Jesse"held us down all day. even salty ed was happy with the music selection...
where there is smoke there is fire... i had to get tubular through tim's burnout.

curbside cafe had some great grub.

tiny B and the gals made me a killer birthday cake. looks like im riding bitch with keyboard cat on a DR-Z 450.

OK Kyle doing a not-so OK burnout on donny's bike. stalled 2 times, and broke the clutch cable...
Heads up drag racing on the street. only about 4 close calls, no one hurt. nice!

*Again if anyone has more pics please send them over.


  1. oh man, wish i would have stayed for some drag racing

  2. corection ok kyle did a sweet bern out.not so super mario stald twice and broke the cluch cable get your party facts down

  3. get a dictionary. "burnout" is spelled with a U...
    and we all saw you brake the cable... dont try and act like you didnt...

  4. once again get your shit strate or fucking ask someone i dont like people say i did somthing i didn`t do your geting old maybe you need glasses or some shit but ask before you say i did somthing hell fucking ask mario.not cool
