Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I love cast wheels....

19" lester mag  came on bmw's or some other euro bikes guzzi. 

19" henry ABE 7 star mag

19" kimtab magnesium "snowflake"

19" suzuki star wheel

16" 5 round spoke invader rear (triumph or ironhead)

21" kimtab "snowflake"

18" kimtab "snow flake"

PM machine 18" spun aluminum drag wheel

18"x7" Pm machine rear drag wheel

19" gold ducati magnesium dual disc front

19" ??? 6 point star mag

19" kimtab snowflake W/ 2 pc disc

19" kimtab snowflake

19" kimtab snowflake set up for rear.

19" kimtab snowflake

18" yamaha rear wheel (gold)


  1. Looking for a Henry Abe 19" 7 spoke front wheel for honda cb750.


  2. Hey man, this is a long shot, but is there any way you can tell me what the "PM machine 18 inch spun aluminum drag wheel" came off of? I've got a pair of these wheels, but I don't know what they go on! Thanks.

  3. 11th ones down... http://www.txdennis.com/2011/03/mags.html I've got a set of 18/19 off of a CB550 that had a lot of neat early pieces. I've got an 18" Kimtab that I need to get a 19" for if you would wanna sell one. TXDENNIS@GMAIL.COM -------- Thanks, Dennis
