Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Ironhead in, Tudor coupe out...


Bought this N.O.S. Fiberglass fender at a swap last year. It was primed grey but I could tell it had orange underneath. A little thinner and a razor and there you go. Super clean glossy flake.

Friday, August 26, 2011

This week.

-Baltimore grand prix
-star fire
-creeping death
- 1963 etched glass

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Basara MC x 56 syndicate t's

今年11月初旬、BASARA-MC, 56 SYNDICATE 企画によるACE MOTORCYCLE, ATELIER CHERRY, 56 TATTOO 3つの合同個展を、渋谷MAGICAL DESIGN 事務所にて行います。詳しい内容が決まりましたら再度ブログにアップしたいと思います。一般の方入場無料ですのでお友達をお誘いの上、是非おこしください。
(S〜XL , ¥3500)

Im sure im going to get an email asking me to sell these in the US, but in the meantime if anyone is interested send me an email and ill forward it over for you.

The Sun sets on the boards...